He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart;
he gently leads those that have young
. {Isaiah 40:11}

21 September 2012

Problem(s) Solved!

I know that you're just dying to know what's happening with our yard right now <dripping with sarcasm>...
so I will update you promptly on a fairly dramatic change that took about an hour to accomplish and quickly got "out of hand".
Hubs and I have been bothered for a while by the holly bush that seemed to be closing in on our front door. Little bit little, over the past year, we lost our view of the front yard. 

So we chained it to the truck and promptly did away with the problem...
So we thought.
After staring at what was left for a while we decided that the next shrub over looked a bit sad and decided to be done with it as well.
(I'm sure you see where this is going.)
We sat back and admired the work only to realize we didn't really like the next remaining bushes either...
and... well you get the idea... 
A clean slate. 

Now... what to plant?
Happy Weekend!


  1. I don't know what grows well in your area...but I love me some cannas. Easy maintenance as far as Im concerned. Nice and tall for the area where there is no window; color in the leaves and the flowers. They multiply every year so you just have to chop off the old stems and pull up some of the extra tublars. I'm sure you know much more about plants than me though! Definitely some mums in the fall!!!

  2. Could have trimmed the holly into an interesting shape. Both it and the next plant over look like they'd never been pruned. Pitty - they could have been made attractive in place.


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