29 September 2011

Girls are Full o' Drama

My nuggets are a bit small for fights just yet but that hasn't stopped their room from giving me fits. I bought paint for their room. Another blue/grey and decided NO MORE! So I've been on the hunt and have considered blues, greens, pale pinks, yellows, and the like.
The results?
Nothing conclusive.
I've been looking for something bright yet calming.
Not an easy feat.
As much as I like these, they don't say calm.
And as much as I like this,
it's lacking the bright, deep coloring I'm looking for.
My new interest is this...
We put a blue just like it in our bedroom for a calming effect. Maybe with some brights we can "girl it up" a bit.
Ask me how I feel about it tomorrow.

If you're looking for some great inspirations, Little Green Notebook put together a great group of ideas.

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