27 September 2011

A Few Progress Pictures {and some dreaming}

It seems as though God is always working on me.
I am thankful for this.
Most of the time.

Currently, I'm in the midst of the lesson that impatience is sin.
I'm an INCREDIBLY impatient person.
I'm the type of person who wanted it all done yesterday. 
In my preparations for this move I thought of most of the things I wanted to do with the house and intended to have just about everything done before we moved in.
Yeah right.
Moving takes time.
Painting and decorating take time.
Munchkins require attention and time.
So little by little we're making progress and for the first time in my life, I'm learning to be okay with that.
Without further ado... here is some of the progress we've made...
{better pictures to come}
 Living Room
 Dining Room
{these "saggy" lights are going... soon}
{the lower wall was wallpaper and until i work up the desire to scrub the "gunk" off, it will remain this color}
Kids' Bath
Master Suite
Sewing Room / Future Homeschool Room
that's all for now!

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