02 October 2011


Good Morning!
I read somewhere that a blogger should post every day.
Let's just say, for our purposes, that I'm a blogger...
one who is falling very short these days.

I had no idea what I was in for when Hubs signed the papers for this house.

I've managed to hang a couple of pictures this weekend which made it all feel more like home. The girls room is painted, CJ and Mak's beds are sanded and ready for paint {more on that soon}. I feel like I have a plan for most of the rooms in the house. Now it's just a matter of time to execute them. So far, it's been a lot of work and watching things come together is so much fun. 

So in the meantime... I'll pass on some of the fun things I come across while my feet are up at the end of the day. Like this...

How fun to get he answer to questions like...
"How does Mommy make you laugh?"
"How old is Mommy?"
"How are you and Mommy the same?"
and you can also check out  

Your journal to your munchkins would be a great place to keep track of these answers.

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