16 August 2011

Summer's Ending...

School supplies are purchased.
School clothes are washed and put away.
New sneakers are worn in but clean and ready to work the linoleum tiles of school hallways.
CJ's very first school teacher is holding a meet'n greet on Friday.
He starts Monday.
My little man starts pre school!
Am I old enough for this?!
The first day he goes, the girls and I will be picking up boxes and starting the daunting task of packing up the house.
I have 29 days until we close.
Up until now the idea excited me.
Now... it sort of terrifies me.
We met the "mortgage guy" to fill out the paperwork.
Our inspection is at the end of the week.
I feel overwhelmed and we've only begun.
Then I remember the amazing place we're moving to that, by the grace of God, meets our needs and exceeds our wants.
God is good.
So to celebrate the end of the summer craziness and commence the fall busyness, we're heading to the beach for, most likely, the last time this year.
Have a Happy Day!
... and then take a nap for me, will ya?

1 comment:

I always love a good comment.