16 August 2011

Gallery Walls

I'm sure you've seen them. They're EVERYWHERE! I've been planning to put one in the new house so I've stated looking around for ideas. There are so many options! Monochromatic. Cluttered. Uniform. Photograph. Art. Mixed. Monogram. Square. Centered. Skewed. Maintained. Consuming.

Here are a few ideas.

using a ledge

one frame. zillions of photos.

floor to ceiling lined hallway

incorperating your office with chalk and white boards

kids art

 fun. complicated.

uniform and crisp
{Samantha Pynn}

matching frames
{Living La Vie}

{Design Sponge}

show off a collection
{belle maison}

show off nothing in particular
{happy day vintage}

and just for good measure... here's a few resources on how to make your own...
tape square by A Soft Place to Land

newspaper/paper on the wall by Dream Book Design

wax paper method by Roost 
{will probably try this in the future}

how to hang the frame exactly where you want it by The Scrap Shop

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