18 August 2011

it's Thursday. Right?

holy canoli! i'm exhausted!
spent the morning at the beach with two sisters and my sister in law.
got home. took a shower. packed up bean and headed to dinner with my mom.
dropped off bean at my grandparents and was off to the theater to see "The Help" with my mom.
Great movie.
i think they did a great job considering all the details of the book that would have made it a 10 hour movie.
the book is ALWAYS better, in my opinion.
mom and i have decided to make a habit of reading books for movies that are coming out.
i think "Something Borrowed" is up next.

house inspection today.
please pray for perfection, if you think to!
pictures are coming. soon.
i'll have plenty of "befores because there's going to be plenty of "afters"!

seriously, i need a nap!

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