26 May 2010


{DaY 17}
Just to assure you that I've been busy and not ignoring my 30 day promise... {This is a culmination of several projects over a couple days}

Remember the "Befores"

PrOJeCT OnE: Spray paint the wall off white {LOTS of fumes! I was afraid of turning the heat on because I was convinced the pilot light on my heater would cause the basement to blow up! Probably not my wisest move but definitely the easiest way to paint cinder block!}

PrOJeCT TwO: Shower Curtain into table skirt

PrOJeCt THrEe: Fabric curtain to block off oil tank and electic panel.
I hung some light block fabric that I had a ton of {I have no idea why} and used clothes pins to keep the two panels together and weigh the fabric so it hung to the floor. I used this same fabric to block off the back of the metal shelves so I didn't have to stare at the freezer.

PrOJeCT FoUr: Paint the piece of free peg board I got from my Grumpa. I bough a set of hooks for the board for... $7 dollars? {Notice the doll on the board... my "OoPs" from a previous project.

I also changed out the carpet and plan to redo the floor lamp in the back but overall... it's done.

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