24 May 2010

BaBy GirL KiMoNo

{DaY 16}
I confess... I'm NOT a clothes maker! I made a couple skirts back in high school that ended up much smaller than intended and well, that's about it. I'm not good at being precise {also why I'm a better cook than a baker} so I often fenagle things to make them work. This was my first real attempt at something so I did it with fabric I had excess of and didn't spend anything... this is what I came up with...

It's not all that pretty and that's okay. I read through the Martha Stewarts Baby Kimono Pattern before starting and it was rather confusing {another reason I don't make clothes}. So now that I've got it figured out I think I'll try this again {with cuter fabric and more precise details} and I will change the pattern a little. I like the idea of difficult colored cuffs on the sleeves and maybe toggles instead of ties. We'll see.

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