15 April 2013

Randall Goodgame!

If you've been by to visit before then you'll know that I kinda have a crush on Andrew Peterson. No worries, Sweet Hubs knows and is totally okay with it cause I'm pretty sure he does too.
Well thanks to Andrew, we found Randall! Remember Slugs & Bugs?
And now... as if it couldn't get any better with all the great songs, albums, blogs, books, art, and concerts between the two of them... Randy is now working on an "all Scripture CD" to help us memorize the Word!
Yup! It's right here at the Slugs & Bugs / Sing the Bible (Vol. 1) Kickstarter page!
If you're not familiar with Kickstarter the short version is that it's an artists way of taking donations from fans with perks like pre release copies, CDs, apparel...and if you're a big spender... personal concerts! The money helps pay for production and you get to walk away with a gift and smile in your heart knowing that you had a part is something special like making awesome music available to everyone!
Based solely on Randy's past work I know this project will be amazing but it gets better... Sally Lloyd Jones, writer of The Jesus Storybook Bible, and the African Children's Choir are in on the project too!
I can't even handle it! 
So if you want in on the ground level of this exciting project... check out the details and pledge packages at Kickstarter.
Aaaaand I'm out!
Happy Monday!

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