15 July 2011

Sprinkle Monogrammed Shirt

I found the tutorial for this ages ago and have wanted to make it cause it looked so simple, cheap, and fast.
I was right.

I went the route of cutting out the letter first, fused it to the shirt using "heat'n'bond", and then stitched it. It was a little more work to go through three materials but I know it's secure so I think it was worth it.

Dana shares a few other ways of doing it.
No matter how you do it, I think the result is custom and cute!
 Have a great weekend!


  1. I love your shirt! I made one but went a slightly different route. I did the stitching, added my steam-A-Seam 2 Double stick Fusible Web to the back of my stitching, cut out the letter, fused it on to the shirt, and then machine stitched it down. That way I didn't need to worry about the stitching coming loose or being itchy.

  2. Thanks, Louisa. I saw yours. The variety of stitching is great!


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