18 July 2011

Scripture Memory for Toddlers

I'll tell you up front, I half stole this from Passionate Homemaking who may, or may not, have stolen this from somewhere else but the content is helpful so I just don't care!
If you remember, a few months back, I had a post about putting God's Word to music. {Found Here}
Hubs and I have realized that CJ has an AMAZING memory. {Sometimes he remembers things we rather he didn't but that's another story for another time.} We both agree this is an optimal time to cram in as much of God's Word as we can before his little noggin fills up with other things that he can do without. We have been working on, though not as vigilently as we'd like, on rote memorization. He's picking it up rather nicely but one of our issues has been finding the right verses for him to learn.
One great resource has been Wise Words for Moms by Ginger Plowman. It's verse selections are geared specifically towards training your child in obedience to God and His charge to you as a parent...

Bragging, Conceit... Ps. 101:5 - God will not tolerate a proud heart
Phil. 2:3 - Walk in humility and consider others better than yourself

Passionate Homemakings suggest a few other sources for verses...
Ministry-To-Children.com {10 verses} and Ministry-To-Children.com {30 verses}
My ABC Bible Verses by Yvette Banek

However you do it, whether a little at a time or a strong attack, the key is to do it. I hate when days go by that I didn't deliberately pour the Word into our kids and any ways that make those days scarce is good in my book. Even if that means just popping a CD or DVD in. The days of open ears, hearts, and minds are numbered. Let's not let them go to waste!

I have hidden your Word in my heart that I might not sin against You. 
Psalm 119:11

{image source}

1 comment:

  1. If you like music for scripture. My friend along w/ other talented musicians put together Rizers cd. It's only scripture put to a very catchy melody. You can find them on itunes. I know they have at least 1 cd & another on the way. Alex sings along to them. Charlie we tell her the first 1st them she listens, dance & sings some of the songs. I can play it in the car & not loose my sanity from cheesy kid music & they're learning.....win win, in my book :)


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