15 June 2011

Meet Meg

This is the part where I admit that growing up as the oldest in my family left me a bit of a perfectionist and a firm believer of right and wrong... black and white.
...and THIS is also the part where I boldly thank God for the gift of my husband who, from his birth, questioned EVERYTHING. He has always left room for gray and is slow to make judgements.
Not this girl.
It wasn't until I met Sweet Hubs that I learned to relax a little, not take everything so seriously, and enjoy life more than I ever had before.
Maybe the appropriate question here is "who cares?!"

Well, it's my way of introducing you to one of my favorite things on this planet... Meg's blog, "Whatever..."
{as in Philippians 4:8... "whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure..."}. I found her one wintery afternoon last year and fell in love with the blog version of her immediately. Why? Because on some level, without knowing her in any way other than what she shares of herself daily, she's something I'm not.
She is relaxed and "cool".
She's a fantastic photographer, super creative, and she has amazing taste! {I love how she appreciates the mix of old and new together. It's like she finds value in the details without losing the big picture. NOT EASY!} Her home just might be my favorite place I've never been.
I find her kitchen particularly dreamy!
Seriously, look at the pictures! {There's more here too}
 Everything about her home makes me smile. 
It's a real home. It's warm. It begs to be lived in. There's no fear of mismatching colors here {not that I've found anything that actually doesn't "work"} and the creativity seems to flow out of everything because of it. I may envy her boldness and fearlessness but I also find it motivating. There's a bit of clutter without the chaos.
Anyway, I really could go on and on here but I'll spare you and encourage you to do some exploring on your own.
Oh! And she also has an Etsy shop where she has pillows, prints and other ridiculously fun stuff for your home.. Check her out!

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