11 March 2013

Cozi: Family Organizing

Just recently Hubs and I were talking about how we have been needing to streamline our calendar.s He makes appointments while at work, puts them into his phone, and I don't hear about them until he's about to walk out the door for them OR the kids and I have appointments and I need him to take a late lunch and he forgets...

We tried syncing our calendars through "sharing" on our phones but that wasn't working for some techy reason... and then I found Cozi.

I wasn't even looking for it but someone I follow on Pinterest pinned a link to Modern Parents Messy Kids about several different family organizing sources, Cozi, being the first suggestion.

I figured it couldn't hurt to try and, so far, I'm impressed.

Cozi keeps a calendar which you can add and see events to from your smart phone, PC, Kindle, iPad.... Each family member is assigned a color and your calendar will be all prettified as you add more events. Hubs can now open the Cozi app, right on his phone, and see where the kids and I will be during the mornings, see what's on the lunch menu for CJ's school, and know what dinner plans are without needing to check with me. If I put it in the calender, he can see it!

Cozi doesn't only allow you to share your schedule... with it you can share shopping lists! This thrills me to no end because now when Hubs is out and about he can swing by the store without needing me to text him a list (first world problems, I know). What a great way to set up Hubs to score extra points with me! He can just show up with things I need! OR  if he's out of shaving cream he can throw it on the list and I won't have to see the disappointment on his face when he realizes I JUST got home from the store and he needed deodorant anymore.You can create your own catagories of lists too so if you have a party coming up or  need items for a recipe you can create specific lists for just those things.

There are also options for a to do list and journaling. Why journaling? If something happens throughout the day you want to share and don't want to forget, you can jot them down for later. How smart!

Overall, I love the premise of this site and so far it seems to do just what I need it to.
Give it a gander over at Cozi.com.
Happy Monday!

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