28 January 2013

A Different Point of View

Miss Mak is an arsty chick. If you've ever seen the outfits she picks out you'd understand what I mean.
Lots of color.
Lots of pattern.
One friend of mine described her as "spunky" and I think that's just about perfect.
So Gram bough Miss Makaroni the kid friendly camera kidzoom from vtech.
It's pink, of course.
I hooked it up to the computer this morning to unload the three hundred pictures she accumulated and I couldn't help but want to share with you.
I love how kids look at things so differently.
Literally and figuratively.
Hope you enjoy!
 self portrait
 family photo
 favorite blanket
 view from her carseat... the back of another seat
 playroom table and chairs
 drippers at the greenhouse
 apparently Mak doesn't see anyone's face from where she stands
i had to laugh going through her pictures because so many of them were of the space between peoples shoulders and knees.... kinda makes ya feel bad for kids!
Happy Monday!

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