19 October 2012

Props to the Men in My Life

Since we finally seem to be recovering from the N.A.S.T.Y. cold that took over our household (save for the sinus headache I'm dealing with) I have been getting a lot done!
That said... today is short and sweet but something that just must be said...
I have been blessed beyond measure by the men in my life 
and that was an unavoidable fact this week.

My dear husband loves his family well. 
I married my best friend. 
We spend most of our time laughing. 
I can only pray that our girls find men that make them laugh the way he makes me.
My kids could not have a better dad. 
He's not afraid to be silly and a beautiful example of a firm and loving hand. 

He's an example of what his boys ought to be towards their future wives... 
and what his daughters ought to look for in their future husbands.  
I could fill a book with the things that make him amazing.

Then there's my dad... 
He, without a doubt, loves our kids.
He will, without hesitation, drop what he's doing to spend time with them... pick them up from school... take them out to lunch... take a bike ride... sit and talk with them...

And my father-in-law...

He doesn't get to be with the kids as often as he'd like but he makes up for it when he's around.

And I can't forget CJ... 

He may not be a man yet but this boy is an amazing son...

and THE BEST big brother.

None of these guys are perfect.
None of them always get it right.
None of them fix all the problems of our little world but they are heroes in my book and I just thought you should know that.

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