19 March 2012

Busy Days

My, oh my! Three little people and beautiful weather have a great way of sucking up time!

We got back last night from a three day extraveganza... we left early EARLY Friday morning to meet my father-in-law in eastern Pennsylvania and he took the kids to western PA for the weekend while Hubs and I continued on to Richmond to see an amazingly sweet couple tie the knot. From Richmond we headed north to the Fredericksburg area to meet up with some of my favorite family members for lunch and a orchid greenhouse tour and  then off to western PA to meet up with the kids, spend the night, go to church and head home.
24 of the last 72 hours were spent in the car...
It's a quality vehicle, comfortable and smoothe...
and I don't want to lay eyes on it again for a LOOOONG time!

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