17 January 2012


Every so often the kiddos get antsy and I decide that it's time for them to get creative instead.
Out come the finger paints and water colors, crayons and paper.
Dangerous? Maybe.
Worthwhile? You bet!
Normally I hand the kids the supplies and clean the house, fold laundry, rest on the couch, etc...
It struck me recently that if I value creativity so much, why am I not taking the time to create with my kids... so this time I sat down with them.
I was lacking inspiration beyond the usual train, truck, cow, loader, that CJ asks me to draw for him.
Instead, I turned to my greatest source of current inspiration... Pinterest.

I've saved plenty of signs that I'd like to see placed around the house ... I particularly love this one that I first saw at Whatever...
Some of the sayings I found are easy to duplicate using Picnik but I found that some were rather simple to do while playing with my kids using their craft supplies...
These are certainly not exact duplicates but I figure that slapping frame around these craft paper, permenant marker, water color images will do the trick for us.
So rather than saving up for pricey pictures, give DIY a shot.
Frame it
and hang it proudly.
Seriously, who's gonna know?

1 comment:

I always love a good comment.