06 December 2011

No Idle Hands, Just an Idle Computer

I've been slacking on sharing the goods with you lately.
Our schedule filled up very quickly once school and Bible study kicked in.
Moving certainly did it's part.
I did want to share a little of what we've been up to just in case you're looking for ideas.
1. The whole upstairs has been painted and the rooms are functional. More will be done but not for a while, I suspect.
Our kitchen is still waiting for the wainscoting that's going up to cover the damaged wall. {Seriously, wallpaper removal can be the pits!}
The master bathroom powder room area has made enough progress that it's going to stay as is for a while. {Remember it before?} It's an awkward area that I'd love to gut and redo but Hubs enjoys having money in the bank so that's that.
2. I had a problem of unorganized hair "do-dads" for the girls and found this from Ruffled Sunshine.
I no longer have that problem.
I didn't even make it fancy.
I simply ripped the paper off the container and "ta-da"! No more mess!
3. I have been getting creative itches lately but still haven't cleaned up the sewing room. It's still in boxes and piles. Maybe when the poinsettia season slows I'll have time. We'll see. Anyway, I discovered finger knitting...
and whipped up a couple of bracelets out of an old nightgown for Mak {my lover of all things girly} and I in less than 15 minutes.
4. We've been eating, too!
Last night was Hamburger Pie from Better Homes and Gardens. It was suuuper easy and tasted like comfort in a pan!
5. I've been drooling over this bag for a few days now. I WILL FIND TIME! {after I translate it!}

So there it is.

Now, take a deep breath.
This time of year is for celebrating the birth of our Savior.
The stores and stress can wait!

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