24 October 2011

Why I {Heart} Sundays in the Fall

pulling out my favorite sweaters and warm socks
the energy that the crisp morning air forces on me
the smell of neighbors' fires as we get home from church
hot stews and roasts waiting in the crockpot
naps on the couch
the soft and constant cheers of football fans
...falling asleep to those cheers
starting our first fires in the fireplace
talk time with Hubs while the kiddos take long naps into the darkened late afternoon
no obligations
not caring whether or not the house is clean because I'm Biblically mandated to rest
the groggy, red splotched, messy haired, and bleary eyed smiles of the kids as they wake from their long naps
wrestling on the living room floor with
the tenderness the kids show one another as they are playing with mom and dad and at peace with the world
a messy kitchen and happy kids
leftovers for dinner
putting the littlest ones to bed and having a special hot chocolate and s'more snack with big brother
more talk time with Hubs once the kids are in bed
being okay with curling up in bed earlier than usual under heavy blankets in a cool bedroom

Hope you had a great weekend!

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