24 August 2011

{Summer Squash on the Grill}

Do you have one of these? 
It's a vegetable grill basket and, if not, you're missing out!
We use this baby for shrimp, veggies, chopped meat, everything. It's by far our favorite grill purchase! 
It makes this recipe super simple...
What You'll Need:
This is a tough one to pinpoint because the opportunities are endless based on what you have on hand.
We almost always start with a base of yellow squash and often mix in zucchini, green peppers, red onions, mushrooms
salt and pepper
olive oil
garlic powder

What To Do:
Place your grill basket on the grill and close'r up for 10 minutes.
While the grill's heating up, slice the squash and/or zucchini into medium thick slices {thickness alters the cooking time}
Give a rough chop to the other ingredients. Careful not to be too small here... the squash takes a while to cook so you don't want the other items to burn.
Place all chopped ingredients into a large bowl or resealable freezer bag.
Pour in about 4 T of olive oil, salt, pepper, and garlic powder to taste.
Stir or shake till everything's nicely coated.
{If using tomatoes, you may want to coat these in a separate bag because you'll want to add those later in the cooking process.}

Lower the grill heat to medium and pour the veggies into the basket. Close the lid and let cook for 5 minutes.
Then open the grill, give it a little shake or stir and close again.
Depending on how thick your slices are you'll want to stir every five minutes until the squash are tender. It usually takes us about 25 minutes. When we're grilling meat with this we usually start the squash about 10 minutes before we put the meat on. That way it's all done at the same time. {If you're adding tomatoes, I suggest adding them for the last 10 minutes of cooking to keep them from overcooking. Unless, of course, you like them crispy.}
That's it!
I love me some grillin'!

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