10 August 2011

"The Help" ... Have You Read It?

My reading list has gone to the birds this summer.
I figured I'd have loads of time to read since summer was always so relaxing and a vacation from the norm.
I have been gone more than I've been home and when I've had time to sit down I've spent it sewing or sleeping.
CJ's going into preschool starting in two weeks, Miss Mak still takes two naps, and Bean naps about 8 hours of every day so I'm hoping for more time to read starting soon. {Don't let the school thing confuse you. We're trying out preschool so CJ and I can have a break from one another and so he can get a little socialization. We're planning to start homeschooling for Kindergarten.}

Okay! All of that is just to get me to the point that I picked up "The Help" from the library the other day.
I'd heard that it was good and saw a movie was coming out, or came out, about it and wanted to see what all the hype was about.

Which led me to wonder... "Since it's such a big hit in the real world, who else has read/is reading this?" and "What are their thoughts on it?"

No real reason. Just curious.

So... are you? If not, why not? If you are, what do you think?

That's all.

Have a great day. I'm going to be doing some reading!


  1. I've read it. It was great, and a very honest portrayal of what life was like for the African American population not too long ago. Minny was my favorite character, and you'll come to understand why very quickly :) I have both my mother and my MIL reading it too. I've been on a quest to read a book a week for the whole year and I'm only about two book behind, so I have lots more reading recommnedations if you're looking for some! I'm on Goodreads.com also so you can check out my reading list on there as well.

  2. It was great! I have experienced that type of thinking in the book first hand with relatives from the south. Always got me so mad. The book will do that to you too, but in the end there is justice for the persecuted! Read it---read it---read it! Aunt Lynn


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