06 July 2011

We're baaaaaaaack!

In case you noticed, I've been a little hit or miss lately. That's because the past week or so has been spent "out and about".
Hubs and I took Mak and CJ to stay with Gram and Pap in Western Pennsylvania for a few days...
 where CJ met his new friend whom he aptly named "Mr. Bunny".
 Then Hubs, Bean and I flew to Illinois to visit my favorite cousin and her family. She lives in the middle of a cornfield which we discovered could really be anywhere in Illinois that isn't Chicago!
  My goodness, it's flat!

We had a wonderfully relaxing time of eating food I didn't have to cook, taking rides I didn't have to drive for, wearing clothes I didn't have to wash, and watching an 18 month old run circles 'round the house that I didn't have to parent...
After a few days of doing nothing, we drove to Chicago for a night out with a childhood friend who happens to live across the street from Wrigley Field...

Weathered a hail storm...

and flew home the next morning.

I feel it's important to mention that we had that days lunch at Chick-Fil-A.

We finished off our trip with a couple of days in Pennsylvania with my in-laws and good friends
...and headed home.

I'm whipped and taking a long time to recover but I'm SO glad we could get away!
We're thinking that sending the kids to Gram and Pap's is going to be an annual event.
Yay for us! 

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