25 July 2011

Pinterest {a danger to families everywhere!}

Some of you, via facebook, may already know this but I made a new friend this week.
Her name is Pinterest.
My, oh my! Is she addictive!

Imagine this... you're online, you've found something amazing that you want to save up to buy or buy supplies to make. Now... where do you file that product/image/idea away until you have money/time to buy/make?
You guessed it!

Up until now I've been emailing myself everything I've found, putting it all into a long word document, then printing that and storing it all in notebooks.
Not no mo'!
I installed the "pin it" button on my bookmarks toolbar and anytime I come across something on the web I just click that cute little button, pick the picture I want to save, and the image and link to it are on my board.
Just like that.

If you've not discovered this thing of beauty, I advise you of one thing...
Be sure you don't start looking around until you have time to do so.
I spent most of the afternoon watching Cosby Show reruns with Hubs while surfing the web as the munchkins slept.
You can EASILY waste an entire day with this!
You've been warned!

1 comment:

  1. Pinterest is one of my recent addictions as well. It's like it would only make life easier if I didn't now get on the computer just to pin!


I always love a good comment.