27 June 2011

{Summer Salads}

There are few things as good as all the fresh fruits and veggies you can grow and buy {inexpensively} during the warm summer months. Hubs loves grabbing ripened tomatos or green peppers off the vine and eating them like apples.  I'm a cucumber and summer squash fan myself. However you like them, there's plenty of ways to enjoy your fresh pick'ns. These are a couple of our favorites.
First Up...
Garden Veggie Mix
This salad tastes like summer to me and it's can't be better than when you can pull the veggies for it straight out of your garden! 
Depending on how many mouths your feeding, cut up two large tomatoes and one cucumber. Mix with just enough Italian style salad dressing to coat but not drown the veggies, chill for an hour and serve.

Fruit Salad
Nothing fancy about it. We just happen to have a few favorite items in our fruit salads... cantaloupe, honey dew melon, watermelon, and halved grapes. Sometimes, when feeling frisky, we add in blueberries, strawberries {only when I know it will be eaten quickly, I don't like how strawberries get soggy}, small chunk pineapple, nectarines, pears, and apples.

What about you? Any simple salad mixes that scream summer to your family?

Happy Monday!

OH! And by the way, Bean is doing great! We brought her to the hospital last week because she was running a low grade fever. She had several tests done and they all came back negative so we're assuming it's just a cold she got from CJ. Thank you for all your prayers! They may have done more for my peace of mind then for Bean and for that, I can't thank you enough.

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