29 June 2011

{Coffee Ice Cream}

Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a winner!!!
This recipe is by far my favorite ice cream recipe of the summer!
I realize there's a lot more summer to go but I can say with   99.9% certainty that nothing can trump it! {If you'd like to offer suggestions for contenders, I'm open to try!}
This beauty can be found at The Kitchn. I didn't try the chocolate sauce this time around, I don't think it needed it, but I'll probably give it a shot next time.

For the ice cream
1 1/2 cups milk
1 1/2 cups heavy cream
4 egg yolks
2/3 cup sugar
Pinch salt
1 cup strong brewed coffee (or more to taste, depending on strength) {I made mine D.A.R.K.}

For the ice cream, heat milk and heavy cream in a sauce pot over medium heat until just scalded.
Meanwhile beat the egg yolks, sugar, and salt in the bowl of a stand mixer (you can also use a hand mixer). Slowly add scalded milk mixture until well combined.
Pour the milk mixture back into the sauce pot. Cook over medium-low heat until it thickens and coats the back of the spoon, about 12 - 15 minutes (stirring occasionally at first, then constantly towards the end, watching carefully to make sure the eggs don't scramble).
Remove the ice cream mixture from the heat and stir in the coffee. Allow to cool to room temperature, then freeze according to your ice cream maker's instructions.

For the chocolate sauce:
2 squares unsweetened chocolate squares (preferably Baker's)
1 tablespoon unsalted butter
1/3 cup milk
1 cup sugar
Pinch of salt

For the chocolate sauce, melt chocolate and butter in a small saucepan over low to medium-low heat. Add milk and sugar and cook, stirring frequently, until completely melted.

I should warn you that I am planning to try another version of coffee ice cream soon from Simply Recipes that uses whole coffee beans for its flavor. I'll keep you posted on the outcome. In the meantime, you're in good hands!

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