31 May 2011

Coconut Ice Cream {Asian Style}

As I mentioned in my kefir post you can use coconut milk rather than cows milk to make the kefir. For us, this means we have a lot of creamy coco-nutty goodness lying around for the taking.
When I tried to find a recipe for coconut ice cream I assumed they'd all include coconut milk.
I was wrong.
Most recipes call for heavy cream and milk and then you add imitation coconut flavoring and sweetened shredded coconut for the actual flavor.
So after minimal searching I found this recipe and, based solely on its coconut milk base, I tried it and I'm so glad I did.

What You'll Need:
4 c unsweetened coconut milk {2 cans}
1/2 c sugar
1/4 t coconut extract {optional}
1 1/2 c shredded coconut {divided}

What To Do: 
In a medium bowl, mix coconut milk and sugar until sugar is dissolved.  Add extract and 1 1/4 c shredded coconut. You can either put this into a freezable container and let it set in the freezer or pour into prepared ice cream machine and make to manufacturers directions. {For the Cuisinart I was using, I mixed it for 30 minutes.}
While ice cream is freezing, heat remaining 1/4 c shredded coconut in a skillet over medium heat, stirring until toasted. I don't recommend walking away from this while it is on the heat. It can burn quickly.
When the ice cream is finished, serve with toasted coconut flakes over the top.

I really like the texture of this recipe. It's more of a sorbet consistency then a creamy one so it's very refreshing without tasting heavy.
Next up is Ginger Maple ice cream.
Sounds exotic, doesn't it?

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