12 May 2011

Bird's Nest Necklace

I have seen these things all over the place and wanted one the first time I saw it. I considered buying one but they can be a bit pricey plus I could only find them in silver and the two of us don't always get along. So I ventured out to make my own.
There are couple of different tutorials out there but, once again, nothing was quite what I wanted so I headed to the craft store, bought the whopping two items I needed, headed home, and in 10 minutes {not an exaggeration} I had my very own, custom necklace.
And yes, I love it!

Wanna make your own?
You'll Need: 
20 gauge wire, I used about 30" {$2.50}
3 beads {$6.99}
So for around $10 you could make 7 of these beauties...

What To Do:
{Sorry that there are no pictures of how... there's no real method... this one is easy to overthink so just go for it!}String your three beads onto one of the wire and curl them so they "nest" together just as they appear in the center of the nest. Then, start wrapping the wire around the outside of the three beads, occasionally wrapping the wire around the ring you're creating with the wire to keep everything snug but don't pull too tight if you're looking for a loose, "natural" look. You can do a little wrapping behind the beads for added depth and to keep everything in place. To finish, either tuck your loose end behind the beads or use 3 or so inches of the wire to create a loop to string your necklace through. {I started by creating a loop but didn't like the end result... I thought it was a bit too "finished" for what I like so I ended up tucking the loose wire behind the beads and this is what I got.}


  1. I love this - I have seen these around too and always admired them. Thank you for the tutorial.

  2. This is just as pretty as those pricey necklaces! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Very cute idea! Can't wait to check out the rest of your blog. I found you through One Pretty Thing. Thanks!!

  4. I have been seeing these necklaces everywhere lately! And lucky me, I have the supplies to make some in my craft room. Thanks for the tutorial...it DOES seem pretty simple!

  5. Nicely done. I love how casual it feels. Very pretty.

  6. very cool and I love the color combo of the wire and beads you used.
    I plan on trying my hand at this birds nest too:)

  7. I wanted to let you know that I featured this great tutorial on my "What I Bookmarked This Week" post stop by and check it out.



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