28 April 2011

Graham Cracker Recipe

In case you hadn't heard our little family has been sick for over a week now.
I'm pretty sure we're on the upswing but still not one-hundred percent.
We've been homebound to keep the "ickies" to ourselves.
We're getting bored!
My big plan for yesterday was to sew my heart out and get a few things done but, since CJ was feeling up to it, I decided to do a little baking instead {which he usually helps out with}.
We started with whole wheat honey bread which I've never made before {more on that next week} but the star of the day was definitely the graham crackers.
I have been giving Miss Mak graham crackers as a snack for several months now but always felt bad when I didn't buy organic ones which I couldn't always find. Now, I feel like I have the best solution!
Yay for homemade!
I found the recipe months ago at Smitten Kitchen.
The site did a great job of taking pictures so I didn't bother taking many.
Plus, mine weren't nearly as cute and uniform as theirs were.
They may be ugly but they taste delicious!

Yes... I'm excited.

Maybe too excited.

Oh well.

Actually, I do have a couple of notes for this recipe...
1. The dough seemed a bit too soft when I was done mixing all the ingredients so I added a little more flour. They ended up coming out fine for me. The recipe warns that the dough will be soft and sticky. Based on the picture of the dough coming out of the processor I was certain mine was just too wet. Use your judgement here. Again, adding flour seemed to make no difference but it made me feel better.
2. After chilling, the dough warms very quickly and gets soft. Be careful to use plenty of flour on your work surface and not to roll it too thin because that makes it harder to work with.
3. I highly recommend using a pizza wheel to cut the dough. You get much straighter lines and the dough doesn't pull like it does when you run a knife through it. One person who commented on the post even suggested baking a couple of giant sheets of the cookie and then cutting it with a pizza wheel right out of the oven. I think I'm going to try that next time.
4. She's not kidding... watch the clock on your oven. Depending on how thin you roll these they can quickly burn.

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