16 March 2011

Baby Bean Update

We had an ultrasound yesterday. Only sort of unexpected. I've been measuring small for the thirty one weeks that we are and my midwife wanted to be sure Baby Bean was growing big and strong. She is. Praise God!
If you've never seen a baby this far along through an ultrasound it's a whole other world! She's so big and strong. Her hands and feet were up in her face and, because she was wiggling around so much, we caught only a quick glimpse of her face {which is way more than we saw at twenty weeks}.
I couldn't be more excited to meet her now. Of course I want her to stay in a while longer to grow bigger and stronger but today I saw her little fingers that will one day wrap around mine and her chubby toes that will soon pitter-patter down the hall.
My breath was taken away today as I had a chance to see what only God sees on a daily basis. It's such a comfort to know that, even now, He holds her in His tender hands and knows her by name. I can't wait to get to know the girl He already loves so much.
{image from TensionNot}

1 comment:

  1. So happy to here that she is perfect!



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