18 January 2011

{Tomato Basil Soup}

{Pardon the blurry picture... I was so excited to eat it I didn't check to make sure the picture was good}
Okay, I'm a huge fan of plain ol' tomato soup with nothing but fresh goodies from the garden. No salt. No seasoning. However, I was told by a dear friend of mine that her sister had a recipe for an amazing soup so I gave in and gave it a try. This. Is. Delicious! I mean, SOOO good! It tastes like a soup you've find at an upscale bistro. {The key here being fresh ingredients.} Thank you, ladies, for sharing!

What You'll Need:
4 cups fresh tomatoes, cored, peeled and chopped (8-10) or four cups canned whole tomatoes, crushed
(I vote to skip the canned goods and go fresh. ALWAYS tastes better!)
4 cups tomato juice (or part veggie juice/part chicken stock)
12-14 basil leaves, washed fresh
1 c heavy cream
1/4 lb sweet unsalted butter
1/4 tsp cracked black pepper
lemon juice (optional)

What To Do:
Combine tomatoes, juice/and or stock in saucepan. Simmer 30 minutes.
Add basil leaves in and puree. (You can do this in small batches in a blender, food processor, or better yet, one of those handy hand-held food blenders, right in the cooking pan.)
Return to saucepan and add cream and butter, while stirring, over low heat. Garnish with basil leaves and seve with your favorite bread. 

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