04 January 2011

Free Drawer Organizer

I mean every word of that... especially the "cheap" part!
My utensil drawer has been driving me crazy. I can't seem to keep track of my measuring spoons and my can opener so I have to dig which usually results in a cut or defeat.
I saw a great tutorial using balsam wood pieces from the craft store to glue in dividers. Pure genius! BUT I didn't want to spend the money and ... okay, nevermind, I just didn't want to spend the money. So as we were piling up all the Christmas trash to be thrown out I looked at a large clothes box from Macy's and immediately thought to try making dividers out of it. Why not, it's free, right? So after 10 minutes, including pulling everything out of my drawer, making several folds in the thin cardboard, and reorganizing everything to fit... I got this!
 Yes, it's cheezy. Yes, it's a little "ghetto". And yes, it works! 
Yay for free!

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