23 December 2010

{Peanut Butter Munchies}

These need no introduction... I mean, look at them!
Peanut Butter Munchies
makes about 3 dozen

What You'll Need: 
1 1/2 c all purpose flour
1/2 c unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2 t baking soda
1/2 c butter
1/2 c granulated sugar
1/2 c packed brown sugar
1/4 c peanut butter
1 egg
1 T milk
1 t vanilla
3/4 sifted powdered sugar
1/2 c peanut butter
2 T granulated sugar

What To Do:
Preheat oven to 350.
In a medium mixing bowl stir together flour, cocoa, and baking soda. Set aside.
In a large mixing bowl, beat together butter, the 1/2 c granulated sugar, brown sugar and 1/4 c peanut butter with electric mixer. Add egg, milk and vanilla an dbeat well. Beat in as much of the dry ingredients as you can with the mixer. Stir in remaining dry ingredients by hand with wooden spoon. Form chocolate dough into 32 large balls and set aside.
For the peanut butter filling, in a medium mixing bowl combie powdered sugar and the remaining 1/2 c peanut butter until smooth. Shape mixture into 32 small balls.
On a work surgace, slightly flatten a chocolate dough ball and top with a peanut butter ball. Shape the chocolate dough around the filling to completely cover the filling. Roll the dough into a ball. Repeat with remaining chocolate dough and peanut butter filling balls.
Place balls 2 inches apart on an ungreased cookies sheet. Lightly flatten them with the bottom of a glass dipped in the 2 tbsp of sugar. {Honestly, I skipped this part.}
Bake cookies for 8 minutes or until they are set and the surface is slightly cracked. Let cookies stand on sheet for 1 minutes then transfer to wire rack to finish cooling. 

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