14 December 2010

It's Almost Here and It's Gonna be Good!

So, for the sake of explanation, I have been busy planning a ladies' night for out church that is finally happening this Friday. One might think it's a bit insane for a mom of two tiny people, with another on the way and very little time to spare, to take on something like this. The reality is, it totally is! But in a great and wonderful way!
Our evening is meant to be pure relaxation for the women who attend. A menu of Chicken with Wine, french cut green beans with roasted peppers and onion, Martha Stewart's "Luxurious Mashed Potatoes, and a salad with pears and candied pecans is being prepared by a handful of volunteers. This night also has crafts. Not your run-of-the-mill sequins, glitter and Elmer's glue kind. No! I have just finished making kits for button necklaces {courtesy o' Martha} and lima bean wreaths like the ones I posted just a few days ago. All supplies are being purchased and paid for so that our lady friends can show up and just go with the flow. No pressure, no decisions. Just sit back and enjoy.
Now, originally, I thought thirty women was a stretch. I figured that we'd get twenty-eight or so, plan for thirty and be "good-to-go". This still sounded good on our deadline of last Wednesday when we had twenty-four people signed up. Since the organizers figured we could fill a few more seats we made one last announcement at church this Sunday and... oh boy!... added another twenty people to the list with a handful of "maybes" just hanging out there. oh.my.goodness!
My first reaction... complete and total panic.
My second response... pure awe at the power of the living God who has not only continued to give me patience and peace exactly when I have needed it but has provided friends from everywhere who want to help and have taken on huge things to make this night happen.
One of the most beautiful things about this coming gathering is that it isn't intended for just believers. This is an opportunity for woman of all kinds/backgrounds/etc. to join and just be women. Many of the women who are coming are friends of those who attend the church and some are unbelievers. What a blessing! I think that's the part that, I feel,  puts even more pressure on us to make this evening spectacular but the reality is I'm way beyond my realm here. I'm outside my comfort zone and yet I am enjoying the ride because God has done nothing but show how He has it all under control. Down to the smallest excessive detail.
If you think to, please pray for the ladies who will be joining us that evening who don't know Him. Pray that their hearts will be open and that Christ's love will flow from those who do know Him so that all may see and be drawn to the One True God.

As a side-note: I miss sitting down and sharing with you. I miss hearing from you. I cannot wait for things to calm down so I can sit back and relax a little; do a little crafting and enjoy sharing the much simpler moments and things in my life like the homemade laundry detergent I will soon be needing. Oh goodie!


  1. It sounds amazing! I think with the overwhelming response you've had goes to show that it's something the women need. God will use the event for his glory! Will be thinking of you and all the other ladies on Friday night.

  2. THANK YOU! Boy, do I wish you could come!


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