01 December 2010

Do Tell... {Christmas Music}

I've always been a music lover and Christmas time is no exception. I've put together a few of my favorites, in case you're in search of some new albums or songs and would love if you'd share your favorites with me. My list is, by no means, thorough , there are just too many to choose from!

Andrew Peterson's album "Behold the Lamb of God" {the title track is my favorite}
Mercy Me's album "Christmas Sessions"
Kari Jobe's song "Adore Him"

Rosemary Beland & Mark Bracken's album "Winterbourne"
Jim Brickman's album "Coming Home for Christmas"

Classic Christmas:
Bing Crosby's album "White Christmas" {I especially love his "I'll be Home for Christmas"}

Nat Cole's album "Christmas Songs" {j'adore his version of "The Christmas Song"}
Crystal Theory's album "Christmas Chillout" 

Now, seriously, don't be shy. I'm always looking for new music.

And if spending money on music isn't for you there's always Pandora.com {a free custom online radio station} and playlist.com {where you can create your own playlist, for free, using their library}


  1. If you like a different twist on good Christmas music here is our friends band Telecast. You can download their cd for free if you like it.

    (It's the Christmas album, of)

    This is one of my favs next to classic christmas music

  2. Anything by Lorenna McKennit or The Cambridge Singers.

    Loreena McKennit's "Snow" is so beautiful-a great wintery, cuddle closer with your blanket by the fire and tea kind of song.

  3. Nichelle, I listened to that last year. Thanks for the link.

    Becky, I'd never heard of her until now but listened. Very haunting and soothing. Great background music to get the kids to chill out. Thanks for sharing.


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