03 December 2010

Boy, Does Time Fly?!

Happy 5th Anniversary to my Sweet Hubs!
The nearly 10 years of knowing you have been the most fun I've ever had.
You make me laugh every day, even the times I don't want to.
You're silly with me. I love that!
You put up with my moods even when the daggers are unfairly aimed at you.
You put up with my psychotic cleaning frenzies that happen when I've let the house get too messy.
You put up with the mess.
You insist on sharing "interesting tidbits" {like what Armistice Day and juneteenth are} and though I don't always seem it, I'm usually listening.
You've taught me that I am no better than anyone else but you love as if I were.
You keep me grounded.
You've taught me how to stop worrying so much.
...and how to let life happen without getting so worked up about things I can't change.
You've taught me that my well of patience never has to run dry.
I just have to dig a little deeper to find it sometimes.
You are consistent.
You are hard working.
You are my earthly rock. 
You are my earthly provider. 
You are my best friend.
You motivate me to be a better wife.
...a better mother.
...a better person.
I'm a better woman for having married you.


  1. Happy anniversary. May God bless you both w/ many more happy yrs together (and more beautiful babies.) BTW I LOVE the last pic of you two, you guys look like movie stars:beautiful.

  2. Happy Anniversary Guys!!!! May you be blessed with many more wonderful years!!!

  3. beautiful! Congratulations you two lovebirds :)


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