01 November 2010

To Do List...

I've been too busy to create. I'm not okay with this. I've spent the last month living through other people's projects and I'm itching to do something. Anything! 
too cute from crafterhours

Also from crafterhours

How About Orange is awefully crafty and uses lots of recycled stuff

Dana MADE these - thrift store find!

Rae rocks!

If only I had visited Make It And Love It sooner!! SOOOO cute!

Thinking about joining in on this contest with Prudent Baby

House of Smith's found a great use for vinyl

I've been meaning to make one of these for a long time now. So handy!

Christmas gifts? Yes, I think I will. Thank you.

I feel like I could use this somewhere in my house... hmm...

My all-time-favorite Tatertots and Jello shares a great project that not only looks adorable but reminds your family what true thanks giving is all about. Very sweet.

I love LoVe LOVE this! I Am Momma - Hear Me Roar, fo sho!

Okay... that should hold me over for a little longer until I find time and energy again. 
First trimester almost over? Check!

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