16 November 2010

Dot Garland

I must say that this was super inexpensive, quick, EaSY and I love the outcome! 

What You'll Need:
scapbook paper/old Christmas cards/any festive paper
circle paper punch of varying sizes
fishing line or other strong cord
hot glue gun or other glue
white paper, pen, ruler

What To Do:
I recommend skimming through all the directions first and deciding what works best for you. I did enough to go around CJ's whole room in less than an hour with my method.  
OnE: cut out dots from your scrap paper until you run out of paper, patience or your hand cramps.
TwO: create long stips of paper at least 2" wide and tape them together end-to-end. then tape them to your work surface. {using out kitchen counter, we were able to do 10 feet at a time.} 
THrEe: mark a line at a consistent distance apart all the way down your strip. {we marked every 2.5"}
FoUr: Tape one end of your string/wire/line at one end of your paper. stretch the line over your paper and it down to your work surface at the other end.
FiVe: Lay your dots down on each line you've drawn and center them under your line in whatever pattern or chaotic manner you'd like. Then lay a dot of corresponding size next to your line for quick gluing.
SiX: Put a dot of glue on the line/thread/string and place the corresponding dot on top.{I definitely recommend hot glue for this since I was able to get ten feet of dots set up and glued in under five minutes.}

SeVeN: Once glue is dry, un-tape the line and shift it down to do more. Otherwise, cut your line and hang it in place.


  1. How did I not know you had a blog!! Love it!!! Aunt Lynn

  2. You are such an inspiration!! Not gonna lie... I creep on your blog from time to time see the cool creations you're making! How do you find the time to do it!? You are truly a blessing! - Megan Bryson


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