13 October 2010

Kelly's Home

My dear friend, Kelly, has far more talent than she gives herself credit for and I just had to share her handiwork.  She does all the work herself and comes up with some super cute ideas. I'll let her explain the rest.

Hi, I’m Kelly. Krystle and I go to church together and she has paid me a huge compliment by asking me to share this post with you. Probably like many of you, I have become addicted to blog surfing and for the past few months I have been inspired by Krystle and many other crafty and creative moms out there who invent the most beautiful things and tell me I can too. Well, I got to thinking maybe I can do these things … so here are some of my attempts at being crafty and creative.
After my son, our second baby, was born, we needed to move my older daughter out of the nursery and into her own big-girl room so I had the perfect opportunity to start creating. I’ve been working slowly on one project at a time and tweaking them as I go. My goal is a fun, colorful, and comfortable room on a very, very tight budget, that my daughter will love… and this is what I’ve done so far.

A piece of cute paper, a little paint and mod podge and voila, a new clock for Audrey! 
I think I may change the numbers if I find some better ones. They're just scrap booking stickers that I had.
I am loving mod podge and may become addicted soon! 
Here's a little box I made to store Audrey's hair bows. 
And of course it matches the clock!

{Bedspread from Target . Wall color was color matched using the bedspread}
Cool pom-pom project I found at How Does She that Audrey helped me make with cupcake wrappers. Not sure what I'm going to do with the A on the shelf yet. (Notice the blue walls. Ahhh so much more serene!)

So here's the most recent picture of the progress in Audrey's room. (The green is much brighter in the picture than in real life.) Somethings not quite right about the painting still but it will do for now and the curtains need to be ironed and hung on better rods which will be hung higher so the curtains won't be on the floor. Also I need to make tie backs for them, but it's all a work in progress. One thing I've learned from my sister, Stacy, who is super talented at interior design is -take it slow and don't so anything until you know what you want, but also experiment a little.

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