18 October 2010

"Asking Jane" via "Bloom"

I am not a big proponant of blog-perusing, at least not in an unbridled, uncontrolled manner. It's addictive. Trust me. I know. It's easy to get caught up in the fun of what others are doing and making. However, it's also very easy to waste time looking at what others are doing and run out of time to actually live your own life as well as allow the talents of others to discourage you because you don't share the same talents.
I know. I've been there too.
I have tried to make a point of visiting only a handful of blogs during the day and only when the kiddos are asleep. That way I don't skimp on my parental joys and Sweet Hubs doesn't feel ignored when he's home.

That being said, I recently stumbled onto Bloom, via another blog that I really enjoy, and it's all about mothering! What's not to love about that?! Bloom is pure encouragement to be the best mom you can be and to remember what's important about your life and your job of being a Mommy.
While skimming through a few of their posts, to get myself acquainted with Bloom's ideas and philosophies, I found this post and really wanted to share it.

Jane is a mother of 11 and has her own blog {who doesn't, right?!} called Asking Jane and she was so kind to share some of her wisdom and experience through this post at Bloom. Please, check it out and enjoy. 
Stay awhile at Bloom if you have the time. Lots of goodies to find there!

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