14 September 2010

Sewing for the Kids {a week of}

 Elsie Marley is hosting a challenge for all sewers {sew-ers} on all levels from "wanna-be" to pro. If you own a sewing machine I beg you.. take next week as your push to pull it out, dust it off if you must and commit to a week of sewing with me. 
She's even kind enough to put up ideas every day this week with some free tutorials.
So, now the question is ... what to make?

 In case you're not convinced to join in yet... here are something of my ideas... maybe these will get your creative juices flowing! 

Captain America t-Shirt that will make the Hubs smile? {freezer paper stenciling}

 What's that? It's cold? Make it a long sleeve T, please.  

What about a button scarf? Make is kid-sized? I think I will. 

 Or what about a fringed scarf

Martha's got some simple fleece hats

Oooo! A hooded fleece vest! AND "IDIOT MITTENS" {since those are impossible to find I may just make a pattern of my very own}! Oh the possibilities! 

Thinking about participating but need to do it on the cheap? Stop by Goodwill, Savers, what-have-you and grab an extra large t-shirt for knit fabrics... fleece jackets for fleece... big people sweatshirts to make into little people sweatshirts.

So... what are you going to make? Any thoughts on what I should make? 
Hello? Is anybody there?


  1. Wish I could help you out Krystle and join in! Does it count if I go to Once Upon a Child and buy some clothes for the boys? :)


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