24 September 2010

{No Bake Cookies {Preacher Cookies}}

I still remember the first time I had these cookies. I was in 4th grade at a friend's house. Her mom made these for us and I was enamored with how quick and easy they were to make. For some reason I got to calling them "preacher cookies" but whatever the reason, it is a fact that the two families that I know of who make them are both "preacher families". Anyway, as promised, they require no oven. Just 10 minutes, a stove top, and a little patience to let cool.

What You'll Need: 
2 c sugar
1/2 c butter
3 T cocoa
1/2 c milk
1 t vanilla
3 c quick oats
1/2 c peanut butter {all natural works}

Mix sugar, butter, cocoa and milk in a sauce pan and bring to a boil over medium heat stirring constantly. Boil for 1 minutes and remove from heat. Add oats, vanilla and peanut butter directly into pan and mix. Drop by the spoonful onto waxed paper and let cool. 

{The most difficult step here is to wait to let them cool. Chocolate and peanut butter are hard to resist!}


  1. Awesome- I remember cookies like this from my childhood but couldn't find the "right" recipe. Maybe as a child your theology was very sophisticated and you recognized the need for sabbath- and thus having a cookie that didn't require work :) Or even turning on a an oven!

  2. If only I were that deep, as a child!


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