20 September 2010

Chalk Wall with Tips

Chances are, if you're like me and do any blog-stalking {which you obviously do} you've come across chalkboard something-r-others. Today, I will not disappoint... here's mine.

I bought both of these cans at Home Depot.

{See, it truly is magnetic!}

Condition the Board: 
You have to condition the board before using which means your board will never look clean again that you'll need some chalk, an eraser, and a damp cloth. 
First, cover the board with chalk. 
Then erase it all. 
 Then wipe the whole thing down with a damp cloth. 
 Good to go! 

Chalk Ink:
 I found a great product called Chalk Ink at Michael's thought you can buy it online too. I bought the fall color pack for $12 and it colors and covers just like a paint pen. It's great stuff! 

DIY Eraser:
Felt is a great fabric for erasing. Depending on what feels comfortable in your hand, you can sew several layers together to make a pad-like eraser. I went for a bundle of sorts by cutting a circle out of felt, laying a large "wad" of felt scraps and batting into the center, pinching the edges together, and tying it all off with raffia. {This can be easily duplicated with whatever you have on hand.} 
FYI - I first saw this idea at Lil Blue Boo. She's so crafty!

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