09 July 2010

Buying Local {A Visit to the Farm}

Thanks to a friend of my sister-in-laws, we have become acquainted with a great local farm for our milk. Smyth's Trinity Farm in Enfield, CT {minutes off of exit 46 from I-91}.

Their cows are grass fed with no antibiotics or hormone injections {they aren't labeled organic but we consider it just as healthy} and it's just plain good, especially their chocolate milk which tastes like a melted Frosty from Wendy's! They sell their milk, whipping cream, and half-and-half in glass bottles and offer 1%, 2%, 3%, chocolate and coffee flavors in quarts and half gallons sizes. Their prices are competitive too, compared to organic milk from the grocery store. I looked at a 1/2 gallon of whole organic milk today at our local grocer which sold for $4.19. Smyth's sells theirs for $4.50 BUT that includes the $1.00 bottle deposit that you get back when you return the jar. It's actually cheaper. Yay for us!
Anyway, I just wanted to share this little gem with you locals. If you're not from around these parts you can do an internet search for your state {ex. "buy local in Texas"}.

*Don't get your hopes up if you go to visit... this picture was taken in Western Pennsylvania, Smyth's does not look like this!

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