03 June 2010

MaGAziNe BeADs

{DaY 25}
I wanted another cheap and mindless day since my dear toddler is wearing me down quicker and quicker these days!
In addition, I wanted to share the love with my darling baby girl who is much quiter {for now} and better behaved {for now}

Matching mommy and baby girl bracelets!
{no worries, she won't be wearing this without supervision}

Wondering how to do this RiDIcuLoUsLy cheap and easy project?

OnE: Cut thin tringles out of the newspaper using a ruler as your guide.
They should be long and fairly narrow

TwO: Using a skewer or other narrow tool, fold the fat end of the triangle over and glue it down {be careful not to get glue on the skewer or you may have a hard time getting the bead off}

THrEe: apply glue all the way down the strip and roll the magazine tightly around itself

FoUr: slide the bead off and let the glue dry

string beads onto thread {I used elastic thread from the WalMart jewelry section}

AnD... if you're giving them away, you can pack them {or any other small gift} in a magazine paper box... you can find the pattern for these at Prudent Baby

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