11 June 2010

GaRdEN mArkErS

{DaY 29}

I've had this project bookmarked for a while now with no reason to use it and I finally found one! Hubs has been working non-stop on our veggie garden since things slowed down for him at work and I wanted to add my touch to the garden too.

I stumbled upon a tag sale today and a woman sold me a set of pretty silverware {8 settings} for $2! Those, plus the $5 steel stamp set from Harbor Freight and I was good to go!

*NoTe: The directions say to sand off the marker... I just used nail polish remover and a paper towel

To end our wonderful day in the garden, we brought the kiddos outside and made mountain pies for dinner.

AND... MarSHmaLloWs!!

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