26 June 2010

A Day in "Bahston"

Dear Hubs, Miss Mak and I took a trip to Beantown yesterday and just thought we'd share our visit with you.

First... we went to the Museum of Fine Arts ...
We ran into a not-so-tough guy...

A grumpy, bald guy...

A naughty looking little boy... {Pretty sure that's supposed to be Jesus. Woops!}

Greek and Roman artifacts...

A mummified head from around 2000 BC...

Ancient flip-flops...

And something Hubs refered to as "the finest lookin' coffee maker ever crafted".

Miss Mak sure traveled well. She had her own personal chauffer for the whole trip...

We had lunch at Cheers at Faneuil Hall...

Walked Mass. Ave., Newbury St., Commonwealth Ave., passed through the Boston Gardens, and visited the bar which the show Cheers was based on...

Then we packed up, caught the T and headed home.

Miss Mak was born to travel! That's my girl!

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