06 May 2010

T ShiRT MaKeoVEr

{Day 6}
Okay, I admit it... 6 days in and I've either run out of or not purchased all the supplies I need to do several of the projects on my list. But not to worry! Using some of my Plato's Closet rejects, I've whipped up a couple things out of old t shirts. These are meant to look scrappy which is perfect because they totally do! Sadly, I couldn't color coordinate as much as I'd would have liked but this was well worth the incredibly short amount of time it took!

ReVErsIbLe ScArF

ToDDlEr DrAwStriNg PaNT
(What I've Learned... I made the rise too low but the drawstring was a great idea compared to the elastic which the tutorial form rookiemoms.com suggested)

{for the drawstring I just cut a 1/2 inch piece of tshirt out of the scraps and pulled it tight. the knit fabric curls and becomes string-like}

(I skipped the drawstring on these since Miss Mak needed a little extra room for her cloth diaper)

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