26 April 2011

Oma's Homemade Bread

I've said it before... I want to tell you about Oma someday.
Until I can sit down to write and actually do her justice, you'll just have to trust me on the recipes of hers that I share.
They're wonderful, like she was. 
Maybe it's just nostalgia but I will keep on making her goodies regardless. Enjoy!

Oma's Homemade Bread
{white and cinnamon raisin versions}
What You'll Need:
1 pkg yeast {2 1/4 tsp if using jarred yeast}
3/4 c luke warm water
1 T sugar
1 egg, beaten
3/4 c warm water
3 c all-purpose flour
For Cinnamon Raisin You'll Also Need:
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp nutmeg
1 tsp ginger
1 c raisins

What To Do:
Mix yeast, water, and sugar in a small bowl and let sit. Once bubbles form, put the mixture into a large bowl.
Add the egg, salt, and water.{If you're making the cinnamon-raisin version now's the time to add the spices.}
Slowly add the flour a cup at a time and stir in between each cup added.
If you're making the cinnamon raisin bread, add raisins into dough after the third cup.
Mix in more flour until the dough is no longer sticky. Turn over onto a floured surface.

Knead for 5 minutes, adding flour as needed until it no longer sticks.  Not sure what that means? Well...this is still too sticky.

{As a point of reference, I've had to add as much as two cups of flour during kneading, to get it to the right consistency}
Form into a ball and place the ball into a lightly oiled bowl. Loosely cover with a dish towel or plastic wrap. Leave in a warm, draft-free spot to rise for 45 minutes or until doubled in size. {If you are in a cold, dry spot, this make take closer to an hour to rise.}
I usually put my oven on as low as it will go for a few minutes, turn it off, then place the covered bowls in the oven with a small bowl of water to keep the humidity up. 
Once risen, punch the dough down, pour out onto lightly floured work surface, and knead for another 5 minutes. Place into a greased loaf pan and loosely cover with dish towel to rise for another 45 minutes.
Set the oven to 350 and bake for 45 minutes.
There you have it! Hot homemade bread! Hubs and I fight over the "butt" ends of the bread. I usually claim that since I baked it I get them but now that I make two loaves at a time I guess I have to share! Enjoy!

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