01 May 2010

A Fellow No Pooer

No Shampoo Adventures of Miss NB

Background: I only washed my hair on Wenesdays and Saturdays. Washing twice with whatever shampoo I had at the time and a large potion of conditioner. I have long colored hair.

April 10, 2010- BS and water paste massaged into my roots, rinsed. Used some ACV on the ends. Blow dries ans straightened. My hair felt very soft and the color was really vibrant.

April 11 - Brushed and curled the ends under. Hair looks great.

April 12 - Brushed and left down because it still looked good.

April 13 - Brushed, slightly oily

April 14 - Rinsed with water and ACV. After blowdrying my hair was still oily.

April 15 - Washed with BS but not ACV and blowdried. My hair felt brittle and dry. But it's clean, no oil.

April 16 - Washed again! This time with BS and ACV and it feels more normal but still needs some moistureizer! I did not blow dry immediately. I let it air dry a bit then dried and straightened. Straightening seemed to take away the frizz.

April 17 - Did nothing to my hair. Just pulled it up and left it alone.

April 18 - Rinsed with ACV because my hair felt brittle. It helped a little. Blow dried. My hair is feeling dry and needs help! At night I rinsed with water and let air dry.

April 19 - Didn't brush. My hair is wavy from air drying and I have not really touched it. I feel like I am going all natural and will have dreads in a few days! JK

April 20 - Didn't brush, just pulled up.

April 21 - Washed with BS and ACV. Blow dired. Hair felt a little dry.

April 22 - Brushed, felt good.

April 23 - Brushed, slightly oily.

April 24 - Did nothing.

April 25 - Washed with BS and ACV. Blow dried using a diffuser. Very wavy hair. It feels very light and weightless.

April 26 - Brushed, feels great!

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